Next is The Chosen Season 1, a playlist of 4 videos that each contains 2 episodes. This is the only way in which you can still watch this season on YouTube, so please have patience! The director presented this double episode feature just before they launched the second season, and he recorded a lot of interviews and presentations about the series, about funding the series, about merchandise that they sell in order to make new episodes, and so on. So it takes a while to get to the episodes.

You can also skip all the extra talking bits by just dragging the progress bar until the episodes start and enjoy the episodes in peace if you want! In the top right is the indication of the (1/4) current video. Click on it to choose the next one if you have already watched 1/4. The second video is 2/4 and so on. Enjoy and be blessed!

Next is the Christmas 2021 celebration episode, The Messenger. It is probably best to watch it after you watched season 2 (Only available on the Chosen app on your cell phone), but at least if you watch it after season 1, you will know who some of the faces are!!! 😉