(November, 1628 – August 31, 1688)

John Bunyan was a Puritan preacher and author of several books, some of which have set his name in stone. His most memorable work, “The Pilgrim’s Progress” (1678), is a work of genius; a story, in which Bunyan succeeds to capture the journey, challenges, hopes and guide-posts of every Christian that takes up his or her cross to follow Jesus through life, and into heaven. The names of the characters in the story was carefully chosen to help the reader identify such characters in his of her own life, and as such, this book can be a sort of handbook.

According to Wikipedia, in 1938, 1300 editions had been printed of “The Pilgrims Progress”, according to Britannica, it was translated in 200 languages, and according to scholars, such as R.C. Sproul, and many others, this book is the second most read book in the English language, after the Bible.

John Bunyan’s personal life was deeply troubled, with hardship, suffering and challenge, war, imprisonment, and even brief persecution by the local church. He was imprisoned twice; the first time for 12 years, and shortly after, for about 6 months. But God had a plan, and after his first book, “The Pilgrim’s Progress”, which he wrote during his two jail sentences, Bunyan started gaining fame and respect. In just the first 10 years after the book was first printed, 100 000 copies were sold. There is much more to his story in this period of his life. This is just a quick look!

“The Pilgrim’s Progress” is a book that is divide into two parts: The story of Christian and then the story of Christian’s wife, Christiana, and his sons, who didn’t follow him in his journey, but who follows him later, when something happens…(read it and find out!)

Bunyan wrote more amazing books in his wonderful unique style, some of the most notable including:

  • Grace Abounding – 1666 (Autobiography)
  • The Pilgrim’s Progress – 1678
  • The Life and Death of Mr. Badman – 1680
  • The Holy War – 1682
  • The Pilgrim’s Progress, Second Part 1684

Quoted from Britannica, because their words are indeed very true:

The Pilgrim’s Progress, Second Part (1684), tells the story of the pilgrimage of Christian’s wife, Christiana, and her children to the Celestial City. This book gives a more social and humorous picture of the Christian life than the First Part and shows Bunyan lapsing from high drama into comedy, but the great concluding passage on the summoning of the pilgrims to cross the River of Death is perhaps the finest single thing Bunyan ever wrote.

And because The Pilgrim’s Progress is a story that should never be forgotten until Christ returns, we have it for you here to read and watch, in English, and where we can, in Swahili. Please note, that Part One and Part Two are always separate in films and sometimes also in audio versions, and it’s more difficult to find a Part Two, especially one that has the same people playing the same roles as in Part One.

Sadly, I haven’t found Christiana’s story, The Pilgrim’s Progress Part Two in Swahili on Youtube video yet.

I am also still hunting for a free Swahili printed copy, but have in the meantime found this one for your reading pleasure. You can download and read it! Its in English.

The following is the story of John Bunyan, which I discovered on YouTube. Let’s hope it remains there for a long time!